As more attention and money gets poured in social media advertising. Agencies and brands alike are vying for the right strategy, the best piece of content that will lead to success in reaching their objective. Video content statistically performs better than any other types of content. The interactive and stylized look is exactly what social media is all about. Lucky for video creators this creates a new lane where our services are needed and at a varying of degrees. From big-budget studio projects with full animation, and moving graphics. To simple splice, dissolve and text. Wherever you may fall on the spectrum it’s good to be aware of all the different aspects that go into creating social media video advertisements.
- The Main Players
2. Different Forms of Advertisements
Within one platform there could be many different forms of advertisement for the many different ways profiles can socialize. For example, with Facebook on ones timeline you will find advertisement between friends post. Watching stories you will find ad's between your friend's stories an celebrity and blogger pages have become riddled with sponsored ads. It has been an evolution since the college email days that will soon infiltrate you direct messages and anything else they may have access to. Variety in how they advertise is also something that Facebook has pioneered among data analytics, and cross platform integration. Including video, photo, slideshow, or carousel sets. Facebook more than any of the other platforms' ability to manage and organize ads in the most analytically in-depth understanding of ads, makes its like any other type advertisement. Social media, specifically Facebook advertisement is the most cost-effective form for the data and insight accessible in return in finding customers and selling products since the peak of the newspaper.
3. Testing/Variety
Creating a well-curated advertising strategy on social media has to be done by testing many variables to reap the best results. Fortunately, ads are still very cheap for these platforms, and through A/B testing and thorough analytical understanding of each ad’s performance you can easily come up with an advertising budget that can in return make a profit. So if you are not sure if a photo or a video ad will perform the better than the other you can always test it against each other.
4. Staying on Trend
It is also important to stay current with the latest trends, including trending hashtags, memes, and the latest news to stay relevant with your audience. As well as staying up to date with the newest way to convey content. With any sort of advertisement, it is imperative to explore new and creative ways to effectively showcase your brand. Instagram, in particular is a great for this, creators have been creative in the way they display photos with multiple photos in one post so it looks like a magazine spread. As well as using the whole grid as a puzzle, using a post as a pieces to the whole. With additional apps to help you easily achieve these looks. Whatever pops out, a little different or if you are lucky goes viral is for the brand's benefit.
5. Captioning and Sizing
The last, but most important and overlooked aspect of social media advertisement, especially for videos and photos is the specs. That includes the sizing, pixels, codecs, adding of captions, and including royalty-free music. The result in not following the specific specs for the particular platform you are posting for is having an un-optimized, possibly blurry, or text being cut off your photo, graphic, or video. What is really great is there are so many social tools that help you achieve the best looks on socials. For photos my go-to is and for graphicsI have an account with Canva. For video, though I have yet to find something that can automatically size videos for you. However, I do use to shorten youtube videos to the one minute amount of time available on Instagram. Captioning has become a great way for a video to be engaging without audio making it more accessible for potential customers.
I hope to this is helpful for any social media video editors out there. Either just starting out or knee deep in the game to consider certain aspects of video editing for social media. Comment any tips you may have to add to the list.