The easy access to social media displaying what seems like every creative’s best artwork. While you are trying to find the will to create something that is truly inspiring. Not just garbage content upon content that is solely based on how high those kinds of posts rank on your analytics because if you don’t post consistently you will lose followers. In a world of constant content, 24 Hour News Networks, and having limited attention let alone connection with the ominous of others on the internet.
How does a hustling creative stay true to their inner child creative, to produce the best passionate project possible? Without sinking into pacifism, procrastination, and basically not making that thing that you do a priority. Like anything in life, to be great at something it requires practice but in the same breath patience and time to fill up your creative tank. So when you are upright at your desk ready to take heed. You will have fuel to pull from. It is part of the task of nurturing your inner child creative that liable to get cranky, so stay nourished. Below I have provided my Top 5 ways I like to Stay Inspired as a Hustling Creative.
- Surround Yourself with Like-Minded Creatives
2. Consuming Inspiration Outside the Home
It is immensely important when seeking inspiration to do it outside the comfort of your home when possible. Sometimes we may be physically or emotionally ill to leave the bed or couch, but if able the benefits of getting into the World are substantial. Some of my favorite ways to consume inspiration outside the home include attending the latest exhibit showing at my local art museum. Going to local free events that I know a lot of people will be attending, people watching is a great way to ignite inspiration. If nothing else, going to a movie or if feeing fancy the local symphony.
3. Working on an Unrelated Project ( for no specific reason or expected outcome)
Sometimes to find inspiration for one project entails getting completely lost in another project that is absolutely unrelated to what you were working on. Get your brain churning without the pressure to produce something great. Just to simply do, it is not a distraction if needed to pull out the creative juices in you. Brainwork that will help you get into a space where you are able to focus and find a solution to your roadblock. Some of my favorite hobbies/unrelated projects include puzzles, making jewelry, and cooking.
4. Get Physical
This has become one of my favorite ways to gain inspiration. Lately, most of the time when I’m not feeling like my self, or finding it hard to motivate myself to chug onwards toward my goals. It is because I need to release, release all of the thoughts swimming in my head, release frustration from what you see, or how someone made you feel. When I am able to sweat it out, I am able to get out of my head, in survival mode, a change of gears and the ability to let go of the restraints I didn’t realize I was pulling on myself. Blocking the creative in me. Some of my favorite physical activities include yoga, hiking, biking, and if I am able to find a partner, tennis.
5. Organize
When in doubt organize. Your characters, plotline, or even location setting ideas, the best place to find what you are looking for is to find it hidden away in the details of something else. Maybe it won’t matter what your protagonist Top 5 Favorite movies are but maybe in rationalizing each pick for the list, a new path is laid ahead for you to explore. Or you could organize something else, but keep it simple. I don’t want you to be organizing your closet going on 5 days when you could have spent that time creating.
If this was helpful, please leave a nice comment and let me know what helps inspire you as a hustling creative. Make sure to follow me on all socials to stay up to date on the latest MAP blog posts.